Woo-woos are the sound a boxer makes when it is feeling annoyed, excited, happy, sad, silly, mad, or just because they want to. It is sometimes referred to as singing. Every boxer has their own unique woo. Some woos sound like growls, some woos sound like whines. If your boxer woos be happy. It is one of the cutest sounds you'll ever here a boxer make.
Examples of Wooing
This is an example of your sad woo-woo.
Turn your volume down a bit for this next one!
An example of the annoyed woo-woo.
Boxer burns:
This is when your boxer runs, all out, with his butt tucked up underneath him like the devil himself is chasing him. Accompanied by heavy panting, puppy bows, and sometimes barking and wooing.If your boxer is in the midst of a burn watch out! Boxer burns may cause temporary blindness causing the dog to clumsily knock things over and run into things such as doors, walls, and unsuspecting toddlers.
Example of Boxer Burns.
The Kidney Bean Dance:
The kidney bean dance is a native dance of the typical boxer dog. It generally happens anytime the boxer is excited about something. The most common example of this is the "OMG! You're home!" Kidney Bean dance. "Beaning" is when the boxer wriggles back and forth uncontrollably, bending themselves into the shape of a kidney bean as if they are trying to sniff their own butts.
Oh and lets not forget he snoring!
Post by Jessi Grafeld.